X-Space: Redesigning Window Frames for Fire Safety

Creating a Safe Escape Route in Case of Fire

In some kinds of situations of the fire that passageway has been blocked in accident. No matter what you do, you cannot escape from the fire through the door. To find a solution for trapped person get away form the fire quickly, the team find the point in window frame redesign.

Introducing X-Space, a revolutionary redesign of window frames by The School of Industrial Design in LAFA. Inspired by the need for a better solution in fire accidents, X-Space offers a quick and safe way for trapped individuals to escape from the fire and smoke.

X-Space features a rotational structure holder that, when opened, triggers an automatic alarm to alert the fire department. The rotated holder, combined with the outer wall, creates a safety space that isolates the fire and smoke. In the event of a fire, all family members can easily exit through the X-Space, avoiding potential injuries from the fire and smoke behind the outer wall. On ordinary days, X-Space functions as a unique window frame, seamlessly blending into the overall design of the building.

The realization of X-Space involves a combination of five holder parts that interact with each other based on mechanical principles. The design specifications for X-Space include a closed type with dimensions of Width 1270mm x Depth 604mm x Height 1850mm and an open type with dimensions of Width 2260mm x Depth 1570mm x Height 1850mm.

In normal circumstances, opening the X-Space window is as simple as turning the handle 90 degrees anti-clockwise. However, in the event of a fire, turning the handle 180 degrees anti-clockwise triggers the fire alarm. As the window is opened, the holders interact with each other through mechanical principles. Once all family members have entered the X-Space and are awaiting rescue, a fire-resistant shutter hidden in the holder axis can be pulled out to cover the window position, creating a safety space that isolates the fire and smoke.

The X-Space project was initiated in August 2016 at the LAFA Communal Facility Design Studio and completed in February 2017 at the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Industrial Design in LAFA. Extensive research was conducted to address the challenges of fire safety and trapped individuals. The team's main challenge was finding a suitable material for smoke control and thermal isolation. After numerous tests, they successfully identified the proper material that achieved the desired effect.

The innovative design and functionality of X-Space have been recognized with the prestigious Bronze A' Design Award in the Social Design category in 2017. This award is bestowed upon outstanding designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life. X-Space exemplifies the integration of art, science, design, and technology, making it a valuable contribution to fire safety and protection.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Du Heli
Image Credits: Du Heli
Project Team Members: Designer: Xue Wenkai Designer:Sun Jian Designer:Jiang Meihan Designer:Zhou Xiaozhu Designer:Du Heli
Project Name: X-Space
Project Client: Du Heli

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